We are Children of Hate — By Orr Ali

On 25th July, Rafiq Sabir entered a Gujarati businessman’s palace-like home in Bombay. Almost sixty minutes after this intrusion, he was led out, handcuffed, by a contingent of policemen. Charge against him was that he had attacked ‘a leader of a religious party for political reasons’. This leader survived the attack and went on to create a country where sixty eight years later ‘another Rafiq Sabir’ attacked ‘a leader of a political party for religious reasons’. The snake was taught another language, the venom was given another color but their effectiveness was undiminished.

Today, an overwhelming majority of Pakistanis hold in respect a repulsive constable of Punjab Police. My own house is divided. My parents have asked me time and again to not write anything disparaging about this ‘courageous man’. I would have heeded if there wasn’t a large crowd hundred yards from my house still protesting against the death sentence of Mumtaz Qadri. A much smaller crowd gathered weeks ago in America too and they were also protesting against a death sentence. There is nothing uncivil in such protests but if the protestors are trying to glorify a self-confessed murderer, a cold-blooded psychotic fanatic, things do look threatening. These are the people who cheered death of an innocent reformist and destruction of a small Christian family. It’s never enough for them. Should they not be appeased by God’s vengeance which will strike the ‘unlearned’? Should they not calm their hearts by remembering God’s words:  “And vengeance is mine, I will repay…”?

Mumtaz Qadri also has something to learn. Martyrs don’t get glory for free; they have to sell their lives for it. And under no conditions they run about town filing appeals against their death sentences. Perhaps, Mr. Qadri has become too accustomed to the attention he is getting in this world that he has forgotten the next (it reminds me of Omar Khayyam’s wonderful couplet:

No doubt there is a heaven yonder too,

                But ‘tis so far away- and you are near

Before emptying dozens of bullets into Salman Taseer’s chest, he was fully cognizant of the fact that he was committing a murder and that he would be executed for it. Why then this dilly-dallying, these second-thoughts?

 Then there are these liberals who don’t want Mumtaz to be executed. To them, death penalty is as criminal as murder, only that the former is sanctioned by the state; it’s a punishment which leaves no room for reform and gives no value to remorse. Had they realized that they were living in a third world theo-mobocratic state rather than in the civilized West, they would have seen the fallacies in their line of reasoning. A criminal who shows no remorse can’t be reformed. It’s almost always the court verdict which awakens a convict from his delirium and if he is unable to show remorse then, one can rest assured he would never. Expecting remorse from a deluded Mumtaz Qadri is like expecting remorse from Hitler. Their crimes weren’t the result of personal animosity with their victims-they were caused by deep personal convictions. We can’t even expect that Qadri would reform himself, for what would reformation mean to him? To the religious crowd, he sits at the pinnacle of chivalry, selflessness and courage. Where do you go from the pinnacle? For me, the only non-repulsive thing that Mumtaz Qadri can become is a dead man.

If people like Mumtaz Qadri keep rising up in our society we must realize that it’s time for some introspection. Bigoted mobs, men suffering from Jerusalem syndrome and faux-liberals can’t be waited out. They have to be dealt with severely and their identities be thrown into the dark parts of history.  Before reading the sentence to Jinnah’s assassin, Justice Blagden made remarks which have something for everybody: (To make it more relevant I have replaced the word ‘political’ with ‘religious’ wherever it appeared)

“No country can be happy and prosperous which condones murder for ‘religious’ purposes or for any other purpose. The only result of condoning a ‘religious’ murder is to substitute rule of hooligans for the rule of reason…….You and misguided people like you have to be taught fact by punishment and the example of punishment……”

Jinnah might have won against Rafiq Sabir but he lost against history. Intentionally or unintentionally, he gave birth to the very society he was fighting against. It’s a society where even a brave judge has to vindicate his position by prefacing his verdict with an apologetic statement: “A proven blasphemer is wajib-ul-qatal (liable to be killed). He cannot be forgiven. Only the Holy Prophet (PUBH) himself can forgive him.”

How far have we come? Perhaps, hate does beget hate. We are children of hate.

8 thoughts on “We are Children of Hate — By Orr Ali

  1. ahmad zubair says:

    Assalam o Alaikum Brother,
    How did Quide Azam come in the discussion? Anyways someone who is accused of a crime cannot be compared to the one who has actually commited it. Salman Taseer’s case is different from those who have actually abused religous scriptures and personalities. Anyone from anywhere cannot stand up and take action against the accused ones rather it is the duty of the state. Its not hate but it is the “LOVE”, “THE LOVE OF ALLAH AND PROPHET” which is filled in every muslim’s heart which pours out when the enemy tries to cross the limits.

    • FJ says:

      Brother Ahmad…I do not understand where is our common sense!!!! Can you please recall the incidence when an old woman used to throw rubbish on our beloved Prophet (PBUH) ???? Did other companions killed her??? She was directly doing this not once but g=for many days…what did or Prophet (PBUH) do? He actually set an example for us how to treat even non-Muslims in such cases…If you call it “THE LOVE OF ALLAH AND PROPHET”, it is gonna take it to use in hell…focus on the REAL teachings of Allah and Prophet (PBUH) which we do not follow because we are a nation in denial!!!

  2. Enchant of Hope says:

    Orr, it is a great article in all aspects but I have few questions for you:

    (1) Why can’t Qadri be pardoned for the crime that he committed when we are offering an unconditional pardon to Taliban and all militants who are involved in heinous crimes against humanity?

    (2) Why are you blaming just religious right for these protests when Imran Khan and PTI along with PML(N) and Q League are supporting Qadri?

    (3) When we are not able to take action against the clerics who incited Qadri on this cold blooded murder and we have Imran Khan and PTI supporting Taliban then what is the meaning of death stance for Qadri? He was just a pawn! Real culprits are Clerics and Taliban supporters including Imran Khan and PTI! What is your take on this issue?

    (4) Do you think Imran Khan if slips into power will do any good when it comes to providing justice to blasphemy victims?

    (5) What do you think about PTI and Imran Khan’s stance on blasphemy law?

    Please answer these questions as well…

  3. Ahmed Afridi says:


    Can anyone tell us why Taseer is accused of blasphemy? I never saw him uttering blasphemy anywhere! I even support just investigation of Asiya’s case and it rather appears to be nothing but a cooked up story so am i accused of blasphemy too?!

  4. vjaiswal35 says:

    An excellent article. The sad thing is that today most of the Pakistanis have been led to such a state of mind that Qadri is being considered as a great man on the path of religion. Looking at educated people like Imran khan I wonder if such articles ever reach the mind of masses who see no reason or path of true Islam.

  5. Waleed Hasan says:

    you need to understand that in your criticism you confuse actions of state and principles of religion.

    either the state is to blame for handing out an unconstitutional decision or you criticize religion islam which instructs to give death sentence in such a scenario.

    you can only blame the state if the case wasn’t handled properly and death sentence was not in line with the constitution and the principles of the “islamic” republic of Pakistan
    If thats not the case then be clear cut that you think the penalty in islam is not just enough.
    And for criticizing islam you need extensive research and i cant see any of that in your article.

    Those who think qadri is a hero think so because they believe in light of islam he deserves this. If you differ with these people than its a clash of individual religious ideology and state has nothing to do with it.

    Pakistan is an islamic state and you cant blame the state for handing out a punishment in accordance with islamic principles because these are the very principles the state stands for and is supposed to uphold at first place.

    I know you have been reading up alot about islam but you still need to get perception clear.

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